Which country holds the record for eating cheese. Speed ​​eating: the most unsportsmanlike sport. Records for fast food eating

As if we didn’t already have a problem, and here comes another one: a huge surplus of cheese in 2016. The Wall Street Journal reported that as of March 31, about 500,000 tons (1.19 billion pounds) of cheese had accumulated in commercial cold stores in the United States, a record high.

The current situation is affecting the global industry, from the city of Wisconsin Dells to the shelves of Whole Foods stores. So in order to destroy this big mountain of yellow, Americans will need to eat an extra 1.5 kilos of cheese this year — on top of the 18 kilos we already consume per capita. Even for a society whose members actively consume this product in sandwiches and pizza, this is not an easy task.

Thanks Obama!

But this is a joke. More like "Thank you, Putin." In August 2014, he banned the import of agricultural products from the European Union in response to EU sanctions imposed as punishment for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Putin struck just as the European Union was lifting restrictions on dairy production, and so the loss of the Russian market has been doubly painful for EU producers, forcing them to desperately seek other markets. Add to that the strong dollar we have thanks to Fed policies (thank you Janet Yellen) and voila! - Imports of cheese in the United States began to grow.

Imports continue to rise despite the USDA predicting a record production of 106 million tons (212.4 billion pounds) of milk in 2016, while US exports are struggling due to the aforementioned strong dollar.


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But enough of the widely held notion that foreign crises in places like Ukraine do not affect the daily lives of Americans.

What to do? We can try to eat more cheese and thus solve the problem. You laugh, but the current level of cheese consumption per capita in the United States is 64% higher than in 1975, due in part to the growing inclination of the wealthier members of society to more expensive food. In the short term, consumption may increase slightly as stockpiles make cheese cheaper.

What's more, the United States government has a long-term program around cheese consumption that came about because of the need to do something about the subsidized surplus of dairy products that resulted from federal policies to sustain their production—which, in turn, already exist. for decades despite declining consumer interest in milk.

In fact, two decades ago, the Clinton administration's Department of Agriculture helped create Dairy Management Inc., a dairy promotion organization. It is funded by congressionally authorized and federally raised funds. It has a $140 million annual budget and has already spearheaded fast food products such as Pizza Hut's cheese pizza, as well as double-steak quesadillas and cheese pizzas for school lunches through the federal program.

Is this an offshoot of the federal government's program to reduce the hoard of cheese? The dairy industry would certainly benefit if Dairy Management had new cheese-based meals up its sleeve (its spokesperson declined to confirm or deny this, citing "private owner concerns"). Whether sustained increases in saturated fat intake should be a federal priority is another question.

Of course, some recent research suggests that the fats in dairy products may not cause diabetes, and in addition help some people fight obesity - such results were consistently and happily brought to my attention by the same woman who is the spokesperson for Dairy Management organization. However, guidance from the Department of Health and Human Services, as well as the Department of Agriculture - the latter oversees Dairy Management - recommends limiting the consumption of saturated fats found in dairy products.

USDA forecasters are also skeptical about the long-term potential for cheese consumption in America. In part, they say, this is due to an increase in non-white demographics, who tend to consume less dairy than whites.

Alas, even with a government-backed organization urging us to consume more, Americans will probably never become world champion cheese eaters—the French, of course, are, with an annual per capita consumption of about 28 kilograms (57 pounds).

And so the experts in the cheese economy told me that we would probably have to wait for the market to correct and draw down stocks. If and when this happens, then there may be problems for American milk producers. In theory, dairy farms are protected by a subsidized insurance program contained in the 2014 Farm Bill. But in practice—don't be surprised—you might see dairy lobbyists running to Congress for more help if the farmers' plight is serious enough.

Generally speaking, as a result of our current problems with cheese, we primarily resort to biased coverage of the issue and emphasize the presence of positive aspects. Governments around the world - including even tiny states like San Marino; it is surrounded on all sides by Italy and is not a member of the European Union, but most recently it signed an agreement to supply Parmesan to Russia bypassing the embargo, manipulating the dairy market in response to often conflicting political pressure.

If this comment makes any sense, then the way it goes is that in the long run, every individual—consumer, producer, intermediary, trader—will probably be in a better position if the government allows the dairy market to solve its own problems. As well as many other markets.

Speed ​​eating is a common practice in the United States, Japan, and Canada, and has gained popularity in other countries as well. We bring to your attention records and Interesting Facts about this completely unsportsmanlike sport.

Records for fast food eating

Eating fast food at speed is a traditional pastime for residents USA. Surely, many readers, while watching films, noticed many episodes where the characters take part in drinking competitions. hamburgers or hot dogs for speed. We are sure that you have no idea how many meat buns can fit in a human stomach.

in New York with 1972 An annual hot dog eating championship is held. The participants of the competition are provided with an incredible amount of buns with sausages and everything 10 minutes during which they must be dealt with. The top glutton who eats the most hot dogs wins a cash prize and a champion belt.

To date, the absolute record holder for eating sausage buns is Joey Chestnut, who has won the competition 11 times. American best score 74 hot dog in 10 minutes.

This is not the only achievement of the glutton. Joey became famous for eating chicken wings fast, destroying 3 kilograms in just 12 minutes.

Speed ​​eating sweets

What competitions are very difficult to call sports are speed competitions. eating sweets. Nevertheless, they exist, are very popular (which is not surprising) and are held in many countries.

In the distant 1986 ice cream eating competitions in the USA. Do not believe it, but Tony Dowdeswell became the record holder of the sweet championship, who used 1.53 kg ice cream Only for 31.67 s.

Eating competition is considered no less sweet. marshmallow. Favorite product for children and adults in quantity 255 pieces Matt Stoney devoured for just 5 minutes. Now think about how many tea parties this stock could stretch ...

Gluttons got to biscuit cookies. Joey Chestnut for 6 minutes consumed a week's supply of calories (18,200) by eating 121 biscuit cookies.

water drinking competition

It turns out that as entertainment, people can not only eat a week's ration of food in a few minutes, but also drink several liters of water.

For this record holder for high-speed drinking of water, he consumed 500 ml liquids for 2.35 seconds. Approximately so much, and even more time, we spend only on opening the bottle.

Competitions for the use of water in large volumes are quite rare, since a harmless liquid in large quantities carries deadly threat for the human body.

In 2007, one of the Western radio stations held a contest Hold Your Wee for a Wii, in translation meaning "Do not urinate for the sake of the prefix." Contenders for the main prize were required to drink 227 grams water every 15 minutes without going to the toilet.

Championship winner - Jennifer Strange - drank 7.6 liters water for 3 hours, which ended for the girl in death from water intoxication. The presenters claim that during the competition, the girl looked swollen, like a pregnant woman.

extreme eaters

People eat at speed even things that many of us would not even dare to try. Earlier we talked about the annual, the record holder of which ate the leaves of a prickly plant on 26 meters(total barrel length). The king of the nettle received severe burns on his hands, face and esophagus, after which he could not speak for two days.

Nettle is a trifle compared to the festival The Big Breakfast which is held in London. AT 2001 year, during the entertainment program, the organizers held a cockroach eating contest. Insect lover turned out to be Ken Edwards, who consumed in one minute 36 cockroaches.

Another amazing record was set by Indian Assam Anandita Dutta Tamuli. The girl ate 51 pods hot pepper variety Bhut Jolokia. Somewhere at this moment, I want to think about whether everyone's favorite wings from KFC are really spicy.

Garlic is one of the burning foods that have been eaten with new records. American Patrick Bertoletti ate 36 garlic cloves in one minute. The smell of a burning vegetable haunted the winner for several days.

Here is such a speedy eating of food is held annually in the world. And we remind you that there is a lot of other interesting information. Follow the tags and stay up to date with what's happening.

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Countries in which the history of cheese making goes back hundreds of centuries and which gave the world the most exquisite and unique cheese flavors are, of course, France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and others.


France has the largest variety of cheeses. The French themselves believe that there are more cheeses in France than there are days in a year.

About 1,500,000 tons of cheese are produced in France every year! The art of cheese making is a national treasure for the French, and the history of the origin of cheese is closely connected with the history of the regions of France.

France is famous for soft cheeses with a spicy spicy taste and fresh ones that do not go through the ripening process. These cheeses make up more than half of the cheeses produced in France. Recognized kings of cheeses, of course, Roquefort and Bree.

Roquefort- the famous blue cheese, Bree- soft cheese with a white rind.


Cheese was brought to Austria by nomads. Austrian specialties are spicy hard cheeses from the Alpine regions, as well as delicate and fresh cheeses from the east of the country. "Konek" of Austria - semi-hard and hard cheeses with a red culture.

Austria offers about 140 cheeses, and the range is constantly growing. In terms of quality, Austrian cheeses are not inferior to the best French ones. The most famous Austrian cheeses - Moosbacher, Amadeus, Traungold and Osterkron.


Italy is one of the few countries in the world where cheese is a national food. Bread, cheese and a sip of dry wine - and now the most common breakfast of a simple Italian.

Italy is famous for its hard cheeses. Parmesan is one of the most famous Italian cheeses. In addition, Italians make wonderful dessert cheese. Gorgonzola, which, like Roquefort, is riddled with veins of blue mold. And such fresh Italian cheeses as Mascarpone, ricotta and Mozzarella recognizable and loved all over the world.


Swiss farmers gave the world an extra-class cheese that bears the name of one of the country's valleys. it Emmental cheese, or just Swiss. He was born in the Alps and absorbed the aroma of alpine meadows. Cheese makers went to the mountains for several months and brewed huge cheeses there - for each head there was a daily milk yield from several cows.

A variety of Spanish cheeses was formed as a result of the manufacture of cheeses from cow's, sheep's, goat's milk and their mixtures.


Perhaps the most famous cheese in Spain Manchego, which was made in La Mancha back in Roman times. To qualify for the famous Manchego label, the cheese must be hard and dry, yet rich and creamy. In its production, only the milk of La Mancha sheep is used.


This country has also been famous for its cheeses since ancient times. For Russia, Dutch cheeses are something special, because Emperor Peter I, impressed by the Dutch cheese makers, decided to create a cheese production in our country. There is a significant difference between the production of cheese in Holland and the French and Italian practice of cheese making. The fact is that in France and Italy, cheeses are prepared according to ancient unchanged recipes dating back more than one century, while Holland went along the line of innovation and, without borrowing foreign technologies, Dutch cheese makers created their own recipes for classic cheeses. Gouda and Edamer.


Today, over 700 varieties of cheese are produced in England. The most famous representatives of English cheesemaking are spicy Blue and White. Stilton, as well as Cheddar. Blue Stilton cheese is proudly called the King of English cheeses. Stilton is an obligatory guest of the Christmas table, and its smell replaces the tangerine aroma familiar to us on New Year's Eve.

A lot of Guinness World Records are food-related, and some of them are pretty weird.

Here are 15 of the most unusual world food records ever set.

Takeru Kobayashi ate 12 hamburgers in exactly 3 minutes

Of course, no one likes a dry burger - Kobayashi was allowed one condiment per sandwich and opted for mayonnaise for all 12.

Kobayashi also holds the record for the most meatballs eaten in one minute.

While filming a TV show in Brooklyn, New York, Kobayashi ate 29 meatballs in 60 seconds, breaking the record.

The largest number of Big Mac burgers eaten in a lifetime is almost 30,000

Donald Gorske holds the record for the most Big Macs consumed in a lifetime.
Gorske ate two Big Macs almost every day for many years, amounting to 28,788 Big Macs in his lifetime.

World-renowned record holder Ashrita Furman peeled and ate six hard-boiled eggs in one minute.

Philip Santoro was able to eat a donut filled with jelly without using his hands or licking his lips in 11.41 seconds.

The famous record holder Andre Ortolf ate almost a whole can of peanut butter (378 grams) in 1 minute

Ortolf has other food-related records, including eating mustard, mashed potatoes, and more.

Ortolf also has two jelly-related records.

Ortolf ate 716 grams of jelly in 60 seconds using chopsticks.
He also broke the record for the most jelly eaten while blindfolded, without using his hands.

Leah Shutkever ate a burrito in 44.20 seconds.

YouTuber Jose Montero Durán ate 9 hot dogs in 3 minutes

Patrick Bertoletti ate 36 cloves of garlic in 1 minute

Bertoletti holds the record for the most sandwiches eaten: 6 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in 1 minute.

Yuusuke Yamaguchi ate a whole raw onion in 29.56 seconds

Linus Urban ate 31 Brussels sprouts in one minute.

Kaif Ali Khan broke the record for eating with his feet: 65 grapes in 3 minutes.

Anthony Falzon ate 25 marshmallows in a minute

Food eating competitions are considered one of the most controversial competitions in the world. While many people and medical associations find these competitions absolutely disgusting and dangerous to human health, there are many who enjoy not only contemplating them, but also participating in them. Despite the existence of a huge number of legendary competitions, such as Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest, which have been running for several decades, new disciplines appear every day. From gourmet eating contests (like the World Ice Cream Eating Championship) to the weirdest competitions like the donkey penis eating contest, here are the craziest food eating contests in the world.

25th Oyster Eating World Championship

The World Oyster Eating Championship, held every June in New Orleans, Louisiana, is a speed eating contest in which participants compete for money ($1,000 to the winner). In 2011, Pat Bertoletti set a Louisiana state record by eating 468 oysters in 8 minutes.

24. World Garlic Eating Competition

The World Garlic Eating Championship is held in the village of Chidock, Dorset County, Southwestern England. In 2014, David Greenman won this competition by eating 33 heads of raw garlic in 60 seconds.

23. World Nettle Eating Championship

The World Nettle Eating Championship is another crazy festival that takes place in Dorset. This is a competition in which participants chew nettle leaves. The winner is the participant who plucked and ate the most leaves from 60-centimeter branches.

22. International Kimchi Eating Championship Chowdown

If you like kimchi (the national Korean dish), then you might like the idea of ​​participating in the International Kimchi Eating Championship held in Koreatown, Chicago, Illinois. To break the current record, you will have to eat more than 3.86 kilograms of this delicacy in 6 minutes.

21. World Slugburger Eating Championship

In order to take part in this incredible competition, you will have to travel to Corinth, Mississippi. There you will have to eat unique burgers, which include beef patties fried in vegetable oil, as well as soy, onion, pickles and mustard. In order to break the current record, you have to eat at least 44 hamburgers in 10 minutes.

20th Jalapeno chili peppers eating contest

There are several competitions where contestants compete to eat the most super juicy peppers, one of the most famous being the World Jalapeno Eating Championship at the Texas State Fair. In 2006, a 62-year-old Nevada former accountant swallowed 247 peppers in 8 minutes, setting a new world record in the process.

19. Crocodile egg eating competition

The Crocodile Egg Eating Competition, held at Pattaya Crocodile Farm in Thailand, is an annual speed eating competition. It consists of eating 10 crocodile eggs at speed. The main purpose of this strange is to promote local tourism.

18. Broccoli eating contest

Even broccoli, the symbol of healthy food, can be the subject of a speed eating contest. Tom "Broccoli" Landers holds the world record for eating broccoli, swallowing 450 grams of raw broccoli in just 92 seconds.

17. National Fried Mushroom Eating Championship

Mushroom lovers can compete against each other at the National Fried Mushroom Eating Championship held annually in Pennsylvania. If you can ingest over 4 kilos of fried mushrooms in 8 minutes, you have a good chance of setting a world record.

16. Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches Eating World Championship

Elvis Presley fans gather in Biloxi, Mississippi to honor the King by partaking in eating his favorite banana and peanut butter sandwiches. In 2011, Pat Bertoletti won the World Banana Peanut Butter Sandwich Eating Championship by eating 28 in 10 minutes.

15. Sushi eating contest

In April 2008, professional eater Tim ‘Eater X’ Janus set a world record for eating sushi by eating 141 pieces in 6 minutes.

14. Mayonnaise eating competition

The Mayonnaise Eating Contest, hosted as part of the Glutton Bowl, is a two-hour contest that also happens to be the most unhealthy on this list. The winner of this competition, Oleg Zornitsky, ate 4 bowls of mayonnaise, which is the equivalent of 3.6 kilograms of this product.

13. Curry eating contest

Every year in Edinburgh, Scotland, there is a curry eating contest. Before the competition begins, the organizers check the physical health of the participants and make them sign a waiver of liability before participating in the competition, as some participants then usually require medical attention. Therefore, the British Red Cross is on high alert for the duration of this competition.

12. Live roach eating contest

The record for eating live cockroaches is held by Ken Edwards of Derbyshire, England. In 2001, he ate 36 hissing Madagascar cockroaches in one minute. In 2012, a man died after eating a dozen live cockroaches as part of a similar competition in Florida.

11. Donkey penis eating contest

To enter the craziest and most incredible contest on this list, you have to travel to Beijing, China. In this competition, each participant is provided with three buckets. One of them is stuffed with fried donkey penises, the second with sauce, and the third is empty, for spitting out half-digested pieces of penises so as not to choke.

10. World Ice Cream Eating Championship

Ice cream eating competitions are held in many countries, but a new world record was set at the World Ice Cream Eating Championship in Florida in 2014. Joey Chestnut, holder of several other eating records, swallowed 7.1 liters of ice cream in 6 minutes.

9. Shrimp Wonton Eating Contest

Another one, the winner of which was Joey Chestnut. Wonton World Shrimp Eating Championship takes place in Singapore. In May 2010, Chestnut set a world record in this crazy contest by eating 380 shrimp in 8 minutes.

8. Animal testicles eating competition

This competition, part of the Animal Eating Festival, is held in some small towns in several US states such as Illinois, Montana or Michigan. As a rule, fried testicles of bulls are served to competing people. Participants must eat as many testicles as possible in 10 minutes.

7. World Crawfish Eating Championship

Chris Hendrix, who holds the world record for this competition held in Atlantic City, New Jersey, ate 331 crabs in 12 minutes.

6. World Pickle Eating Championship

During the 2010 World Pickle Eating Championship at the Isle Casino Pompano Park in Florida, Pat Bertoletti ate 2.6 kilograms of pickles in 6 minutes, setting a world record. A year later, Bertoletti also ate 274 salted jalapenos in 8 minutes.

5. Plum dumplings eating contest

The plum dumpling eating contest, held in the Czech Republic, where plum dumplings are a popular dish, is a speed eating contest in which participants eat as many dumplings as possible in an hour. At the moment, the record is 191 dumplings eaten in an hour.

4. Raw onion speed eating contest

In 2004, Brian Duffield from the UK managed to eat a huge onion weighing 212 grams in just 1 minute and 32 seconds.

3. Duck embryo eating contest

The Balut Eating Contest, held during the Hester Street Fair in East Village, New York, is one of the least appetizing contests on this list. Participants have 5 minutes to swallow as many boiled fertilized eggs as possible. The current champion is Wayne Algenio, who ate 18 baluts on his first try and 37 on his second.

2. World Deep Fried Asparagus Eating Competition

The World Roasted Asparagus Eating Championship, held annually in Stockton, California, is one of those competitions in which Joey Chestnut has made a significant mark. Being a multiple champion of this competition, in 2011 he was able to eat almost 4.5 kilograms of fried asparagus in 10 minutes.

1. Butter eating competition

As crazy as it may seem, there is nevertheless a competition in which participants eat whole packs of butter. In 2001, Don Lerman ate a 113-gram pack of salted butter in 5 minutes, setting a world record in the Gluttony Cup.
