Mega coloring book "Victory Day". Mega coloring book "Victory Day" May 9 Victory Day for children to print

Victory Day is not only the main holiday of our country, but also a day off when you need to find fun educational activities for children. Offer them a new mega-coloring book “Victory Day”, made especially for Sibmama by Elena Berkut!

What is a mega-coloring book: these are several A4 sheets, which, when fastened together, form one large coloring picture. Despite its enormous size, even kids can color such a picture. After all, it consists of many small parts, each of which takes literally a couple of minutes. Thus, the child will not get bored from tedious, monotonous work, and besides, the size of the coloring book allows you to work together with your mother or friends. Why, adults, getting carried away, try to drive kids away from coloring, what a fascinating activity this is!

No need to quarrel, friends, it’s better to print out several copies of the coloring book at once - take it to your dacha, on a visit, or take it to kindergarten. By the way, while you are coloring, don’t miss the opportunity to tell your child about the Great Patriotic War.

The finished coloring book is a real masterpiece that you wouldn’t be ashamed to hang on the wall! And it was made in a single copy, because what and in what colors to paint is entirely your decision.

Well, let's start coloring?


Sheet 1

Sheet 2


Sheet 3


Sheet 4


Sheet 5

Coloring books are a convenient way not only to introduce children to any topic, but also to teach and reinforce them

  • skills of painting inside the outline,
  • teach to be careful
  • attentive,
  • diligent,
  • diligent.

Everyone knows that children will need these skills in school. Coloring books are a convenient and unobtrusive way to acquire them in preschool age.

Victory Day is approaching, and on May 9, coloring books will come in handy. You can download them on our website, print them and use them in your work with children and for leisure activities. Of course, coloring pages for May 9 Victory Day by themselves are unlikely to give the child any useful information. Basically, they are filled with symbols of victory, images of flowers, among which carnations play the leading role, ribbons, balls, and sometimes military equipment. A child on his own will not have an idea of ​​the meaning of the holiday. So the May 9 pictures and coloring pages are just an excuse to introduce the children to the history of the Great Patriotic War.

If you are a teacher in a kindergarten or development center, use coloring books as a teaching aid in your lessons. After your story, perhaps presentation, have preschoolers color cards for their grandparents. Even if there were no war veterans in the families or no surviving veterans, let the children give their preparations to their grandparents: after all, they still survived that difficult time. Parents can also use coloring pages to encourage children to congratulate their grandparents.

The coloring “Carnations” for May 9 becomes especially relevant on the eve of Victory Day. Carnations are a symbol of those who fell in battle for their homeland; they are brought to the Eternal Flame. This fact must certainly be explained to the children, otherwise the meaning of the symbolism will remain unclear to them. Let the children take the drawing and color it in the shades of red, lilac, purple that they like best. Children will give the decorated postcard to veterans or their elderly relatives.

Thus, coloring books not only provide an opportunity for children to acquire useful skills and develop personal qualities, but are also an excellent educational moment and a reason to tell children about some holiday or event.

Fireworks and carnations - coloring page for Victory Day

Medals and orders for coloring for Victory Day

Children lay flowers on the tomb of the unknown soldier

Coloring poster for Victory Day with tanks and planes

Beautiful coloring card

The holiday of May 9th is traditionally celebrated by all the people. Love for the history of your country must be instilled with early age. Coloring books are great entertainment for kids of any age, especially if they are dedicated to different memorable dates and holidays.

  • For decades now, our country has been celebrating Great Victory Day on May 9 with great respect and special celebration. This holiday is huge not only in scale, but is also of great importance for every resident of Russia and neighboring countries
  • On this day, everyone strives to go out into the street, see the solemn march on the main street of the city, and honor with a minute of silence or a bouquet of flowers all those who fought for the freedom and independence of our region and fell in a difficult battle with the Nazis
  • Every responsible and conscientious person strives to lay a bouquet at memorial obelisks, busts or figures, as well as historical memorials dedicated to Victory Day. There are even symbols that invariably connect our associations with this day: carnations, St. George's ribbon, weapons, a star and an eternal flame

From a young age, parents should tell their children about how great the history of the Russian people is, show the symbols of the holiday and instill love for their native country.

holiday symbols

A good practice for any parent would be to involve their child in the general celebration of this date and instill a love for the holiday. The simplest but most effective step would be to color pictures together on a given topic. Such colorful works can be done for yourself, for creative work in kindergarten and school, or for various children's competitions and exhibitions.

coloring book for May 9: template for creating a postcard

A good option would be a thank you card in which the younger generation pays respects and congratulates war veterans on the holiday.

coloring page for May 9: template for creating a greeting card

Another great option would be the image of children laying a wreath of flowers at the eternal flame, as a symbol of respect and reverence.

coloring page for May 9: celebrating the date

The last template invites the child to decorate the main center of the holiday celebration - Kremlin Square. The template features a bouquet of symbolic flowers - carnations, which simultaneously embody the triumph and death of those who fought for our lives.

Coloring pages for May 9: tanks are a symbol of the holiday

It is on May 9 that the victory is celebrated. On this day, grand rallies are held on the streets of the city, in which not only people take part, but also military equipment - as a symbol of the solemn victory over fascism. As a rule, absolutely safe equipment takes part in the parade, which is not charged and is only for demonstration purposes.

It is needed so that everyone can feel and realize how difficult the war was. How difficult it was for people to be in these cramped tanks for years, to defend their homeland and not be afraid to go into battle.

Coloring pages dedicated to military equipment, and especially tanks, will appeal to boys and they will be happy to plunge into work, adding color, strength and reality to black and white silhouettes. Invite your child to color the following templates:

tank - coloring book for children on May 9, coloring template for May 9 - tank

Coloring pages for May 9: airplanes are a symbol of the holiday

Another option for coloring books for children dedicated to military themes and the theme of the celebration of the Great Victory are images of airplanes. This is also military equipment that was used in the Great Patriotic War. As a rule, she also takes part in the ceremonial parade in the Kremlin, arranging a unique and vibrant demonstration in the sky.

May 9th coloring template - airplane

coloring page for May 9

airplane - coloring book for children dedicated to the celebration of May 9

Boys of any age will be happy to start decorating these templates and will spend time usefully looking at military equipment and thinking about the events taking place in their country.

Coloring pages for May 9: soldiers are a symbol of the holiday

The soldier is a bright symbol that is unchanged for the celebration of May 9 in our country. The image of a soldier embodies a small but strong man, in whose hands lay the victory over fascism. Interesting coloring templates will allow children to realize how courageous and brave an ordinary person can be, as well as how much a person must love his homeland in order to decide to defend it by any means necessary.

Invite your child, boy or girl, to color pictures of soldiers in uniform. These could be paintings of a military nature, or maybe a solemn rally on May 9th.

Coloring templates with images of real soldiers:

template No. 1 - suitable for creating a bright thematic newspaper wall

template No. 2 - suitable for creating a realistic thematic wall newspaper

template No. 3 - simple coloring book for small children with the image of soldiers

Coloring pages for May 9: the dove of peace is a symbol of the holiday

It has long been believed that the white dove is a symbol of peace and life. The image of a white dove and paintings dedicated to the celebration of the Great Victory were not spared. He is often depicted on stands, pictures, postcards, and greeting posters. It symbolizes the end of the bloody war and the beginning of a peaceful, calm and happy life.

The dove is often present in the hands of soldiers, next to the eternal flame and the national star - an award. Both boys and girls will be able to color the dove with pleasure; offer them beautiful templates so that they can “be saturated” with the symbolism and learn a lot about their history.

Coloring templates with the image of a dove of peace:

coloring template for children with a dove of peace on May 9

coloring template with a dove for May 9

dove of peace - coloring page for May 9

Coloring pages for May 9: the star is a symbol of the holiday

The red star is an unchanging symbol of such a holiday as May 9. It symbolizes the Red Army and was invariably present on the coats of arms and flags of the former USSR. The red star was awarded to everyone who won the Patriotic War and since then it has also become a symbol of the celebration of May 9th.

Coloring pages with the image of a five-pointed red star will be unusually bright, colorful and solemn. It is customary to congratulate all veterans with such coloring pages, like postcards.

Coloring templates for children with a star:

coloring template with the image of a star for May 9

May 9 coloring template with star

template: coloring page with a star for May 9th for children

Coloring pages for May 9: fireworks are a symbol of the holiday

The fireworks symbolize a great celebration, which is invariable during the celebration of Victory Day. Fireworks are always organized for people on May 9, so that they feel how important this holiday is for the people. Perhaps someone associates loud explosions of fireworks with the atmosphere that is inherent in military operations, but its main meaning is to decorate the holiday and give joy.

coloring page for May 9th with a picture of fireworks

coloring template for children with fireworks on May 9

coloring page with fireworks for children dedicated to the celebration of May 9

Coloring pages for May 9: flowers are a symbol of the holiday

Carnations and tulips are a symbol of the May 9th celebration. Bouquets of these flowers are solemnly carried to memorials and given to war veterans. Such flowers are usually depicted on various greeting cards and posters. The red carnation symbolizes the Red Army, the color of blood and the order that was awarded to the military. Tulips are a seasonal flower, which is also used to greet everyone involved in the rally on May 9th.

coloring template with flowers for May 9

Coloring page with flowers for Victory Day

Coloring pages for May 9: the eternal flame is a symbol of the holiday

The eternal flame symbolizes respect and memory of all those who died in the war for their homeland. His image is usually drawn on various postcards and greeting posters. The eternal flame serves as one of the most important memorials to which people bring their bouquets of flowers to honor all the fallen soldiers and civilians. The eternal flame most often comes from a stone made in the shape of a five-pointed star.

eternal flame - coloring template for May 9 coloring for May 9 with the image of the Eternal Flame

Coloring pages for May 9: St. George's ribbon - a symbol of the holiday

The St. George Ribbon is a two-color symbol in the shape of a ribbon, which was an addition to the Order of St. George, which was established by Catherine the Second herself. The ribbon was given along with the award and symbolized by its color: black for smoke, and orange for flame. This symbol was awarded to the army for certain military merits and is still considered a symbol of military valor.
