The choice of protein for weight loss. Proteins for weight loss: types, rules of admission, reviews. Why whey protein is important as a bio-supplement

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Proper sports nutrition, which is obtained from natural products, is called protein isolate for weight loss - it can be drunk not only by athletes, but also by girls who dream of looking slim and young. This special protein contributes to the retention of lean body mass during regular sports fitness or bodybuilding. Girls, exhausting themselves with vegetable diets without meat products, deprive the body of protein, nails begin to exfoliate, and hair grow dull. To look not only slim, but also healthy, you need to use soy protein isolate.

What is a protein isolate

An isolated protein or isolate is obtained by filtration. It comes in many varieties and looks like a powdered dietary supplement. From it you can make cocktails, thanks to which a person receives a pure, processed protein without fats and carbohydrates.

protein name



Digestibility (g/h)

biological value


Competitive price. Easily mixes up with other components.

Contains 60% amino acids.

Absorbed quickly.

Use strictly before and after training. During the day, whey protein for weight loss is used in combination with other proteins.


It is slowly absorbed, thanks to which the body receives a high concentration of amino acids of 60% during the day.

Poorly soluble, has a specific aftertaste.

Affects the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Low performance indicators.

Low biological value.

estrogen activity.


Acceptable price.

Large composition of amino acids.

The composition includes lactate, which worsens the functioning of the intestinal tract.

High composition of amino acids.

Efficiency can be compared with

ideal protein.

The high cost of the product


Peak concentration of essential amino acids.

Prolonged muscle nutrition due to slow

absorbable isolate.

Manufacturers can add soy isolate in large quantities to the composition. Adding accompanying useless components.

Slow (no information).

The biological value depends on the percentage of the composition.

What is it needed for

Whey isolate for weight loss is obtained by filtration, purification of whey. In this way, all related components are removed. In order for a woman to receive pure protein in the process of losing weight, you need to take the isolate for the entire period. Unlike fats and carbohydrates, protein is not deposited in subcutaneous fat, therefore it is indispensable for weight loss. It is important to remember that this supplement should be taken in conjunction with weight loss exercises or diet.

When is the best time to take

An important rule that cannot be ignored is the exclusion of desserts, buns and other pastries when taking a protein supplement, otherwise the opposite effect will come and the woman will gain extra pounds. The minimum calorie deficit for weight loss is at least 20%. The body's need for protein is 2 g per kilogram of body weight. The share of the isolate should be half the daily dose.

How to take whey protein for weight loss and achieve the desired result? To do this, you need to drink a protein shake fractionally. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 15 g of the isolate in water. It is worth taking it 20-40 minutes after a workout, only after 1.5 hours you can eat something from the diet menu. Isolate can be drunk before training, 2 hours before.

How to drink protein isolate

For the preparation of a cocktail, it is important to observe the dosage. Whey protein isolate for weight loss can be included in multi-ingredient protein supplements and tasted like banana, chocolate or strawberry. It is necessary to drink the isolate immediately after preparation, preferably with a large interval before meals. It can be consumed at night - so the muscles are saturated with all the useful components contained in complex supplements.

It is important to remember that each serving of the isolate replaces a meal, so you should not eat anything after drinking a cocktail. In order not to buy a fake, you need to purchase products only from well-known brands, in specialized stores. The most popular manufacturers are:

  • weider;
  • Dymatize;
  • Optimum Nutrition;
  • Twinlab;
  • multipower.


Protein isolate for weight loss is designed for those who want to lose weight, especially when a woman keeps a food diary and calculates the calorie content of food. Protein should be taken several times a day, portions can be measured using the measuring spoon that is included in the kit. It is a mistake to think that only men can consume protein. There are no contraindications for women, they can also drink a cocktail. Thanks to the isolate, there is a slowdown in the absorption of carbohydrates and fats. To achieve the result, you need to correctly calculate the diet and physical activity.

Protein sports nutrition is at the peak of popularity, as it allows you to form a beautiful muscle relief while actively burning fat. It is made primarily from milk, as opposed to natural protein, which is an organic compound found in various plant and animal products.

Many people think that protein is useless for weight loss, since its primary task is to build muscle mass, which can only add weight. However, this is not the case, and dietary supplements based on it can be actively used to get rid of fat reserves and unnecessary kilograms.

Why is it needed?

The protein is not intended directly for weight loss. He does not burn fats and does not speed up metabolism. Its main task is to protect muscle mass from splitting while the body will look for sources of energy within itself. Since protein will not allow it to be taken from muscle fibers, there is nothing left for him to do but waste fat reserves. This is how weight loss happens.

Men lean on protein nutrition while exercising in parallel to increase muscle mass. But any girl also needs protein to lose weight so that in the end she does not look like an anorexic. Without it, with a sharp decrease in weight, along with fats, muscle fibers will also be consumed, and the skin will sag in ugly folds.

On a note. No need to treat protein sports nutrition like chemicals or anabolics. It is a protein, only incomplete (it lacks several amino acids) and in the form of a powder. You're not surprised by powdered carbs like sugar, are you?

Which to choose?

Sports protein comes in a variety of forms. There are bars, drinks, powders, capsules - for every taste. But much more important is its classification by composition and method of production. Our task is to choose which of the variety of species is best for losing weight.

By production method

Concentrated - milk whey that has passed the simplest degree of purification. May contain fat and lactose. Absorbed by the body after 2 hours. Differs in the low price.

Protein isolate is an almost pure protein with a small amount of impurities.

Hydrolyzate - a product that has passed the maximum degree of purification, is absorbed instantly, does not taste bitter.

Most often, dietary supplements are a mixed product and contain all 3 varieties. But for weight loss from this category, it is better to choose a hydrolyzate.


Whey - is made exclusively from whey with the preservation of all the amino acids necessary for the body, is easily digested.

Dairy (casein) - consists of 20% whey milk and 80% casein, it is no longer absorbed as quickly as whey.

Soy - made from vegetable protein, lowers cholesterol, digested slowly. It is quite suitable for weight loss, but not for bodybuilders who need protein of predominantly animal origin.

Egg - made from albumin (egg white), is highly digestible, recommended for those who are lactose intolerant.

Complex - consists of specially selected mixtures, its purpose is to provide the muscles with uninterrupted amino acid nutrition, increase efficiency and endurance. Ideal primarily for sports and only then - for weight loss.

For weight loss from this category of products, it is better to choose whey protein powders.

Also pay attention to what kind of protein you bought - fast or slow (depending on the rate of absorption by the body). American scientists in the course of research have found that the first option for losing weight is much more effective than the second.

The modern market also presents sports protein nutrition for men and women separately. Immediately it is worth mentioning that there is not much difference between them. Although for intensive weight loss, literally any little thing can play a role. Differences between them:

  • “male” dietary supplements contain a little more pure protein (percent by 10%);
  • in the "female" you can often find special complexes to speed up the metabolism, which in girls is much slower than in men.

Tastes could not be discussed. Modern manufacturers of sports nutrition try to please all their customers. They produce protein powder in a wide variety of flavors. The most popular are chocolate and vanilla: they are in almost every line. Additional - various fruit, coffee, gingerbread, there is even tiramisu.

Rating of the best

When choosing the best protein for weight loss, find the ratings correctly. They may contain the most effective dietary supplements for gaining muscle mass or the best in terms of price / quality ratio. You also need only those that give results in terms of weight loss.

  1. Your soy protein isolate. Your coach (Russia). $13 per 1 kg.
  2. Iso Whey Zero - whey (apricot, latte coffee, tiramisu, coconut, banana, etc.). BioTech (USA). $84 for 2 270 gr.
  3. ProStar Whey Protein - whey (raspberry, strawberry and other flavors). Ultimate Nutrition (USA). $32 for 900 gr.
  4. Micellar casein - casein (natural, chocolate, strawberry, vanilla). WATT-N (Russia). $25 for 900 gr.
  5. Whey protein isolate - fast whey. WATT-N (Russia). $28 for 900 gr.
  6. ISO-100 - whey (gingerbread, chocolate-coconut, cream cookies). Dymatize (USA). $35 for 700 gr.
  7. Casein Protein - casein. Pureprotein (Russia). $16 per 1 kg.
  8. ISO-SENSATION 93 - fast whey (many flavors to choose from). Ultimate Nutrition (USA). $45 for 900 gr.
  9. Soy Protein - whey. Pureprotein (Russia). $11 for 900 gr.
  10. HydroPure - whey hydrolyzate (vanilla, chocolate, cream biscuits). Nutrabolics (Canada). $56 for 900 gr.

Choose, look at reviews, consult with your personal trainer, who probably knows a lot about such products. If the choice is made correctly, the first results will be noticeable after 2 weeks.

Helpful advice. After choosing a particular brand, test it to the end to understand how effective it is. Even if there are no results within 2-3 weeks, if there are no side effects, finish the course. It's just that sometimes weight loss can start after that. If you decide to switch to another brand of protein powder, take a month off first.


Protein weight loss is not for everyone. This is due to contraindications for its regular use:

  • individual intolerance;
  • any kidney disease;
  • decreased secretion of gastric juice;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • tendency to flatulence, diarrhea.

Although there are few contraindications, they are categorical and require strict observance. If you ignore them or exceed the recommended dosage, intoxication of the body may begin.

Attention! It is believed that regular consumption of protein increases the risk of cancer, impotence in men and brittle bones. These facts have not been scientifically proven, but research in this direction is being actively conducted.

How to drink?

In order to achieve weight loss with protein, you need to know how to drink it correctly: time of use, dosage, course duration. The easiest option is to follow the instructions for the dietary supplement you purchased. However, not all of them can take into account the individual characteristics of losing weight. If you want to be perfect, here are a few tips from the pros to help you get the most out of these supplements.

Daily dosage

Each person, depending on their weight, requires a different amount of protein. You can calculate your daily allowance using the following formula:

  • girls: multiply body weight in kg by 1;
  • men: multiply body weight in kg by 2 (then proteins will contribute to intensive muscle building).

The resulting number is the amount of protein in grams that you need. Now from it you need to subtract the amount of animal protein that you consume per day. The difference needs to be filled with dietary supplements. But do not forget that they are most often complex supplements, and not pure protein. The instructions usually tell you how much to take, and even comes with (most often) a measuring spoon.

Usage patterns

  • Scheme No. 1

When losing weight, the daily dosage should be divided into 3-4 equal parts and taken at regular intervals. This will ensure the preservation of muscle mass from burning throughout the day.

  • Scheme No. 2

Keep in mind that in order to lose weight and build muscle at the same time, protein intake should be timed to go to the gym. Drink it an hour before training to create an amino acid pool that increases endurance and performance, making your workouts more efficient and allowing you to burn maximum calories. Do not forget to take it after a workout (about half an hour later) to close the protein-carbohydrate window.

  • Scheme No. 3

If the diet lacks fatty, fried foods and carbohydrates (which usually happens when you want to lose weight), it is quite possible to use protein instead of dinner so that the body has enough amino acids at night to restore muscles. In this case, it is better to give preference to a casein product. But if you do not adhere to a diet, then such a reception in the evening will help to store fat in reserve.

The table below shows which types of protein in which meals are best taken for weight loss. The number of stars is the degree of their effectiveness.

Protein supplements without training will be ineffective.

How to cook?

To cook, you need to mix 150 grams of protein powder with 300 ml of any liquid (juice, water, kefir, milk). You can beat until smooth in a shaker, blender or mixer.

With the world - on a string. There is no consensus on the daily dosage of protein in the world. Against the background of such disunity, protein standards in different countries differ significantly from each other. For example, in the USA, the safe minimum consumption of this substance is 56 grams per day, in Italy - 115 grams, in Germany - 145 grams, in Russia - 135 grams, in England - 151 grams, in Sweden - 189 grams.


There is also a protein diet, which involves two nutrition systems.

Diet 1. Sports

Essence: against the background of proper nutrition and regular exercise, take a daily dosage of protein dietary supplements.

Main products:

  • fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries, seeds;
  • lean meat;
  • lean fish, seafood;
  • natural juices;
  • low fat dairy products.

Sample menu for the day

  • 15 g of protein (half an hour before breakfast or immediately after waking up).
  • Breakfast: oatmeal with milk,.
  • Lunch: green apple.
  • Lunch: spinach soup, boiled fish, brown rice.
  • 15 g of protein an hour before training.
  • 15 g of protein after training.
  • Afternoon snack: a handful of berries or nuts.
  • Dinner: stewed vegetables, salad.

If you want to increase efficiency, you can skip dinner on this menu.

Diet 2. Protein

Essence: increase the amount in the diet, mainly of animal origin.

Main products:

  • any dairy products, but low in fat;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • mushrooms;
  • eggs;
  • lean fish;
  • seafood.

Sample menu for the day

  • Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, unsweetened.
  • Lunch: grapefruit, a glass of kefir.
  • Lunch: chicken soup, boiled chicken breast with buckwheat.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese.
  • Evening: shrimp with lemon juice, milkshake.

Protein undoubtedly contributes to weight loss - both laboratory tests and the practice of its use testify to this. It's time to break the stereotype that only athletes and bodybuilders can use the dietary supplement. Everyone who is actively involved in fitness, cardio, strength training in order to reduce weight can purchase the coveted jar and drink the course. The result will be obvious.

Many people want to lose weight. But how to do it right? The fact is that many people who lose weight, along with fat, also lose muscle mass. How to make sure that the extra pounds are gone, but the muscles remain? This question is asked very often. The answer is simple: you need to take protein.

But you will say that protein only helps to gain mass. You are absolutely right!

But few people know that protein is suitable not only for muscle growth, but also for burning subcutaneous fat.

You just need to take it right. We will reveal all the secrets of losing weight with protein and give useful recommendations.

The need for protein for weight loss

One of the most popular diets is protein. With this diet, it is recommended to eat a lot of food that contains a lot of protein and a small amount of carbohydrates.

According to the principle of action, the protein performs the same role. The only difference is that you don't need to eat a huge amount of food and still get carbohydrates, albeit in small quantities. When you take protein, you consume only concentrated protein without carbohydrates.

Fat burning is impossible without protein! Why?

Here are the answers:

  • during weight loss, the body receives a small amount of calories. This leads to protein deficiency in the body. The results of this are quite deplorable: deterioration of protein synthesis, decreased immunity, premature aging, poor skin condition, loss of its elasticity. Deterioration in the growth and condition of nails and hair. Loss of strength and energy, poor psychological state. Women have menstrual problems
  • protein is the building block for muscles. Therefore, when your body does not receive protein, it starts processes that burn muscle mass first, and only then fat.
  • when there is a lack of protein, the body burns some of the fat to get energy from somewhere. But at the same time, it actively conducts fat synthesis. In other words, the body begins to make fat reserves, which turn into the same extra pounds. The advantages of protein are that it contains amino acids that prevent active fat synthesis.
  • with all this, protein significantly satisfies the feeling of hunger

Therefore, protein is often used by athletes who dry their body.

What protein to choose for weight loss?

It is very important to choose a protein that will help you lose those extra pounds.

Choose a protein that will have the minimum amount of fat and carbohydrates, and protein - the maximum amount (80% or more).

Pros and cons of proteins for weight loss:

  1. Serum. It is quickly absorbed by the muscles, contains many amino acids, but at the same time it makes up 60% of the protein.
  2. Whey protein isolate. Passes the highest degree of purification and contains 90% of protein elements.
  3. whey protein hydrolyzate. Pros: contains the maximum amount of protein (95-98%). Cons: expensive, has a bitter aftertaste.
  4. casein. Plus: slow on the speed of assimilation. Therefore, it is better to take it at night, which will allow your muscles to receive protein at night. Minus: contains 60% protein elements.
  5. Egg. Pros: does not contain fats and carbohydrates, and also does not contain cholesterol. Minus - high cost.
  6. soy. Pros: Suitable for vegetarians and people with animal protein allergies, low in calories and fairly cheap. Minus: a small amount of amino acids, not very nutritious, only 50% protein.
  7. Complex protein. Plus: contains all kinds of proteins. Cons: high cost.

So, to summarize, when losing weight, it is best to use:

  • fast proteins than slow ones
  • egg or whey protein is better for weight loss than soy
  • when choosing a whey-based protein, it is better to give preference to whey isolate or hydrolyzate
  • many experts believe that the best for weight loss is a comprehensive

It is important to remember that the above information is not universal! It all depends on your individual weight loss process. Therefore, it is important to listen to the advice of your coach.

Professional athletes say that if you only consume protein, but at the same time eat what your heart desires and do not play sports, you will gain even more weight than you currently have.

Remember! For weight loss, 3 main components are important:

  1. Protein.
  2. Proper and balanced diet.
  3. Reinforced workouts.

It is important to consider that your weight loss also depends on protein doses and the number of doses.

Admission Rules!

Rule number 1. In order to lose weight with protein, you need to consume protein instead of meals or instead of snacks. Physiologists say that it does not matter what meal you want to replace with a protein shake: breakfast, lunch or dinner. It's not essential. But it is extremely important to eat foods rich in protein: meat, fish, soybeans, boiled eggs, lentils.

Rule number 2. For proper weight loss, a person needs to take 1.5-2 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight. On average, 1 gram of protein per 1 kg of weight you get through food, but the same amount remains to be taken. This is where protein comes in handy.

Rule number 3. We exclude sweets, pastries, any product that contains sugar and its pure form from our diet. These are additional carbohydrates, which means your extra pounds!

Rule number 4. If you take a protein drink an hour before a workout, then the protein will have time to absorb only 40%. Therefore, in order for the protein to be fully absorbed, drink the protein two hours before the start of the workout. You can eat some fruit an hour before class in the gym. So you will get the maximum result from both protein and training.

Rule number 5. Take protein 3 times a day: in the morning, 2 hours before training and within 20-30 minutes. after the end of the classroom. Morning intake of protein is recommended to combine with the intake of vitamins. This will help stimulate the body to burn fat deposits. Taking protein before training will saturate your muscles with protein and improve the quality of your workouts. Protein after training is very important, as it allows you to restore the protein balance in the body and give the athlete the energy that he spent during strength training.

Rule number 6. To prepare a protein drink, mix 1 scoop of protein with water in a shaker. We recommend adding 0% fat milk instead of water, because the drink tastes better with milk. Add the amount of liquid according to your taste.

Do not make a shake with a blender, and do not stir the protein powder with a spoon in a glass. It still won't help get rid of the lumps. We recommend using a shaker for mixing, because it gives the mixture a better consistency.

So, protein is an ideal tool not only for gaining muscle mass, but also for losing weight.

In order to lose extra pounds quickly and correctly, you just need to choose the right protein, eat healthy foods high in protein and exercise. Then you will achieve excellent results.

Lose Weight Properly With Protein Supplements!

Protein is an important nutrient for healthy weight loss. Protein intake during weight loss is useful, because a sufficient intake of this nutrient in the body helps to accelerate metabolic reactions and reduce appetite. The predominance of protein foods in the diet helps to spend fat accumulation, and not muscle mass. Learn how to take sports nutrition to lose weight.

What is protein for weight loss

The substance is a high molecular weight organic protein compound consisting of amino acids. Proteins play the role of building material for all cells of the body. Protein compounds are involved in the formation of enzymes, hormones, provide a constant pH, immunological reactions. Their lack provokes the development of health problems in the form of:

  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • deterioration of the skin;
  • resistance of the organism to the external environment.

How proteins work

Protein shakes keep you feeling full for a long time. The mixture contains a high concentration of amino acids and is practically devoid of carbohydrates and fats. Protein shakes can partially replace breakfast and dinner. Completely abandoning the use of familiar foods is not recommended. Weight loss is more effective if you combine the intake of mixtures with active physical activity. Proteins during weight loss are useful due to the fact that:

  • quickly lead to saturation;
  • reduce cravings for sweets;
  • increase the endurance of the body;
  • help transform consumed calories into muscle mass, and not into fats;
  • slow down the absorption of carbohydrates;
  • contribute to appetite suppression.

A diet high in protein, combined with strength training, will help improve your physique. Building muscle tissue requires increased energy consumption, which contributes to additional burning of excess weight even at rest. Blends containing 20-40g of concentrated protein have been scientifically proven to reduce hunger by 55-67%. Increasing the amount of protein in the diet from 15% to 30% of the total number of calories eaten helps to consume 440 kcal less per day without limiting portions. For 3 months of such nutrition, on average, you can lose 6 kg.

What is the best protein for weight loss

Protein powders are produced from different raw materials. Studies of the effect of soy supplements on the body when losing weight have proven its insignificant effectiveness. This fact is due to the minimum content of amino acids in the product. It has been experimentally determined that the best choice for weight loss is whey or casein protein.

Complex mixtures require separate consideration. They are available in powder form with additives. The complex product is comparable in effectiveness to whey. Due to the fact that the product contains proteins of different speed of action and application, weight loss is more active. Professional athletes take protein hydrolyzate. The mixture gives the muscles the desired relief. For this reason, bodybuilders drink protein for cutting. In addition, in sports are used:

  • milk mixture;
  • protein isolate;
  • egg protein;
  • hemp, pea protein.


The protein is of plant origin. It is made from soy. Compared to other types of supplements, this protein is more affordable. Due to the fact that ordinary soy protein has a low biological value, it is undesirable to take it when losing weight. The amino acid composition of the mixture is extremely poor. Soy protein intake is comparable to a regular diet. During weight loss, it is better to use a purified product in the form of an isolate. Soy protein for weight loss is recommended to be consumed 2-3 times a day, mixing the powder with vitamins and minerals.


The peculiarity of the supplement is that it is instantly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and enters the bloodstream. This type of protein is made from whey, it contains the whole complex of amino acids and is considered a high-calorie product, therefore it provides satiety for a long time. Reception of the mixture with weight loss normalizes the level of glucose, accelerates metabolic processes. Whey-based supplement contains lactose, therefore it is contraindicated for people with intolerance to this carbohydrate. During weight loss, the mixture should be taken in small amounts twice a day.


The product is obtained in the process of enzymatic curdling of cottage cheese. The mixture provides protein intake for a long time. Casein belongs to the group of slowly digestible compounds. Complete breakdown and entry into the body occurs if the composition is combined with a whey mixture. Casein protein is good for weight loss. The product contains almost the entire set of amino acids. If the dosage is observed, casein is absolutely harmless. Take the supplement for weight loss should be 3-4 times a day instead of snacking. The last dose of the mixture is before bedtime.

Protein Isolate

The product contains 80-90% pure protein. The remaining 10-20% are glucose, complex carbohydrates, fats, lactose, food flavorings. The composition is distinguished by an expensive price, prolonged digestibility. As a rule, the product is taken by bodybuilders seeking to give relief to the muscles. When losing weight, it is recommended to take half the standard serving of isolate in the morning and after training.

How to drink protein for weight loss

During weight loss, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of fractional nutrition. Food should be taken in small portions 5-6 times a day. Protein shakes are a good substitute for snacks. Remember that when losing weight, the portion of the dry mixture should be less than when it comes to gaining muscle mass. Nutritionists recommend taking the powder in the morning, as well as before and after physical exertion.

Most scientific research shows that a daily protein intake of 1-2 g per kilogram of body weight provides favorable conditions for weight loss. It is necessary to take into account not only the protein obtained from mixtures, but also consumed with food. It is not recommended to replace more than two meals per day with a protein shake.

Losing weight is better to choose slow and complex types of supplements. If you not only want to remove fat from the sides, the abdomen, but also give the body relief, you need to take protein not only after training, but also during the day, replacing snacks with it. The effectiveness of taking different protein mixtures is shown in the table below. The number of stars indicates the potency of the protein supplement based on when it is taken.

Type of squirrel

Time of receipt

Between meals

Before training

After training

Before bedtime




For men

The stronger sex should take protein between meals or replace dinner with it. Men need to consume protein for weight loss an hour after training to restore muscle mass. Preference should be given to supplements with the maximum amount of protein. Before going to bed, it is better to drink slow proteins that help nourish the muscles. Depending on the ultimate goal, the daily requirement for protein in men varies. So, if you're trying to lose weight, eat 160 grams of protein. In a situation where you are losing weight and working on relief, drink 200-250 g of the mixture per day.

For girls

Modern protein powders do not contain impurities, help to lose weight and pump up sagging areas. Protein for weight loss for girls is recommended in the form of soy protein isolate. The latter is known to be a source of phytoestrogens, which have a beneficial effect on women's health. The disadvantage of soy supplements can be considered a low energy value. For this reason, most experts are of the opinion that the best protein for girls is whey protein hydrolyzate.

Popular proteins

In the ranking of sports nutrition, whey protein is the most sought-after and popular supplement, because it contains almost the entire set of amino acids. In addition, this mixture has a high energy value and a relatively affordable price. Nevertheless, the results of comparative experiments have shown that the additional intake of casein protein is more effective in losing weight than whey.

Name of the protein


protein type



ProStar Whey Protein

Ultimate Nutrition


Versatility, variety of flavors, does not foam when mixed.


Elite Whey Protein


Fast solubility, good taste.


Prolonged assimilation, a portion of the powder satisfies the body's need for calcium by 50%.

High price

Optimum Nutrition

Whey, egg.

A small amount of fat, a sufficient concentration of vitamins, minerals, rich taste.

Excess Carbohydrates

Platinum Hydro Whey

Optimum Nutrition


The presence of BCAA-amino acids in the composition, high absorption rate.

100% Whey Gold Standard

Optimum Nutrition


The highest degree of digestibility, a variety of tastes.

High price

How to choose

Due to the high competition in this segment of sports nutrition, manufacturers of protein supplements are constantly releasing new products, while competing in quality, efficiency, taste, and price. The variety present on the market allows you to purchase the right mixture without any problems. Remember that the choice of a protein shake is a purely individual concept. Nevertheless, complex, whey proteins are considered the best option for weight loss.. When choosing a supplement, be guided by the following criteria:

  • financial possibilities;
  • protein content in one serving of powder;
  • the composition of the additive;
  • taste qualities;
  • manufacturer.


Until recently, there was a shortage of protein mixtures in the domestic sports nutrition market. Today in retail you can see a huge variety of supplements. High-quality mixtures are mainly produced by foreign manufacturers, so their cost in Russia is too high. Inexpensive powder can be bought in an online store specializing in sports nutrition by ordering the desired product from the catalog presented on the site. The cost of protein mixtures in Moscow is as follows:

Mixture name

protein type


Protein per 1 scoop (g)

Carbohydrates per 1 scoop (g)

The price of the mixture (rubles)

Whey Protein Special Series


Weider Gold Whey


Pure Protein Casein Protein


100% Casein Gold Standard


Pure Protein Soy Protein

The problem of excess weight gives girls a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. The most desperate of them try to solve it with the help of strict diets that only spoil health. And it's at a time when enough is enough take protein for weight loss and go to the gym regularly. This protein blend sports nutrition supplement accelerates the fat burning process.

Protein is of the following types:

  • protein isolate. 90% of its composition falls on the protein part, the rest - on lactose and fats, which improve the taste of the drink.
  • Protein hydrolyzate. Basically, people decide to take it after the transition to the professional level of bodybuilding. Thanks to him, the muscles quickly acquire relief.
  • complex protein. This supplement is easily absorbed by the body and is effective both in getting rid of extra pounds and in building muscle mass. All this provides a diverse protein composition of such sports nutrition.

The photo shows types of protein for weight loss, their advantages and disadvantages

How to take protein for weight loss

If you need to lose weight with the help of these supplements, then you need to use them at a strictly defined time (after and/or before physical activity) in compliance with some rules.

How to eat and rest while taking protein

To make fat burning possible, protein-based protein replaces approximately 25% of the daily diet. It is drunk for breakfast and/or dinner. Thus, the protein consumed becomes more, and the calories received - less, which leads to a decrease in body fat and an increase in muscle. To avoid health problems, you can not completely switch to protein shakes, refusing regular food. It is a source of minerals and vitamins important for the body, with a deficiency of which not only excess weight will go away, but also muscle mass will decrease. It is best to replace protein supplements with 60-65% fat.

Drinking protein correctly means constantly monitoring. This figure should be slightly less than normalized, otherwise no, even the most hard training, will not bring the proper results. The fact is that in order to lose weight, more calories must be expended than consumed. At the same time, it is very important:

  • forever forget about bad habits (alcohol, smoking, etc.);
  • try to lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • competently approach the preparation of your diet;
  • select only those exercises that correspond to your level of physical fitness;
  • sleep well - at least 8 hours a day.

In what capacity you need to dilute the protein - see the photo below

If you are going to take a protein isolate or other protein, special emphasis should be placed on fluid intake. In order to avoid the accumulation of body fat, its balance in the body is necessary. The fact is that after dehydration, fat begins to rapidly accumulate in tissues and muscles, which over time leads to the formation of excess weight. For this reason, it is very important to remember to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Of great importance during the intake of protein is a good rest, which is necessary to restore the body's strength. Without this, both the rapid assimilation of nutrients that enter the body with food and effective training are impossible. The process of losing weight is also negatively affected by nervous conditions with stress. Scientists have proven that one of the reasons for the compaction of adipose tissue and the breakdown of muscle tissue is the overstrain of the body. Therefore, before going to the gym, you should always have at least a little rest.

Protein for weight loss and training

When and what protein is better to use, see the photo below

Whey protein isolate is best for post-workout consumption. It can be drunk both immediately after its completion, and after some time. Professionals say that you will only get good results if there is a gap of 30 minutes between the end of exercise and drinking. On days when physical activity is not expected, it is recommended to take casein protein shakes for breakfast or dinner.

Sometimes protein for weight loss you can drink instead of the first and last meal, while not missing a full meal and snacks. This cocktail, due to the slow assimilation and digestion, quickly and for a long time creates a feeling of satiety. It can and should be taken in addition to cardio activities (running, swimming, cycling, etc.). And they should be carried out to eliminate fat at least 3 times a week.

Proteins give a bright effect of losing weight in combination with strength training (on simulators). Protein isolate and other shakes help muscles grow and recover faster. So they start the process of converting adipose tissue into muscle tissue, which occurs against the background of the absorption of a large amount of proteins by the body. At the same time, it does not matter which protein is chosen, it must be consumed regularly, without interruption.

The photo shows which foods contain protein

How much protein to eat for weight loss

At the time of the use of protein shakes, it is necessary to carefully monitor that they do not exceed more than 25-30% of the total diet for the day. On average, a girl who has just started playing sports needs 1.3 grams of this food supplement per 1 kg of weight, a man - from 1.7 g. This portion should be increased gradually, with muscle building and excess weight loss.

Protein isolate can be distributed per day like this: after training - 10 g, before training - 20 g. There is no maximum amount here, it all depends on individual indicators, because in some the body processes it quickly, in others - slowly. Thus, the average daily intake of protein for weight loss for a beginner is 1.5 g per kilogram of his weight.

On a note! If you do not know how to properly plan your workouts (time, frequency, etc.), you can ask the instructor to draw up a program. A professional will help not only to quickly achieve good results, but also to choose a complete menu for every day.

In what and how to dissolve the protein?

It is very easy to dilute this nutritional supplement: you just need to take 1 scoop of powder (approximately 30 g) and pour it with liquid. As it can be used:

  • milk;
  • water;
  • cocoa.

Most manufacturers indicate on the packaging that protein isolate should only be mixed with water. However, practice shows that the results when diluted with another liquid are almost the same. As for its volume, it all depends on personal preferences. To avoid an unpleasant taste in the mouth after taking a cocktail, about 200 ml of liquid should fall on 10 g. When choosing it, it must be borne in mind that in some people, milk and juice can cause intestinal irritation. In this case, it is better to use ordinary, non-carbonated water.

What does the scheme of protein intake for weight loss look like, see the photo below

  • In the fight against excess weight in this way, physical activity is important. If it is not there, then the kilograms will begin to increase even faster than before.
  • Since the body needs strength during exercise, it is advisable to drink a cocktail 60 minutes before training.
  • When losing weight, it is important to take not only pure protein, but also foods rich in it. The most useful is vegetable protein, for which you can eat soy, nuts, beans, lentils, potatoes. After it comes the animal contained in dairy products, red meat, lean fish.
  • The most effective is the use of protein 1 time per day separately from meals, and the next - already with food.
  • To avoid the growth of body fat, it should not be taken with a high carbohydrate content in the diet.
  • You can consume protein shakes both before and after training.

It doesn’t matter what classes in the gym you choose, which protein for weight loss girls buy and how you use it - all this can be decided by each one for himself. But, following all the tips and rules listed above, an ideal figure without extra pounds will very soon cease to be a dream. The main thing is that after entering the desired road, do not turn off it until the plan is fulfilled!
